Complaints Policy
Accountable PersonGoonjen Bhavsar | Policy ManagerGoonjen Bhavsar | Policy LeadGoonjen Bhavsar |
Date Policy was First Implemented | Policy Review Date Annually |
At Gerrards Cross Dentist we aim to ensure all patients receive a very good service from the way they are treated at our practice. We take all complaints seriously and operate an open door policy. This means that patients have the right to complain if they are unhappy and we will listen and talk to them accordingly to hopefully resolve the matter promptly.
The complaints policy is based upon the below objectives:
- We aim to treat everyone as we would want to be treated ourselves when responding to a complaint. We aim to ensure the practice takes any opportunities to learn and improve services in response to an effectively addressed complaint.
- Goonjen Bhavsar is the person responsible for handling complaints about the service provided.
- Staff members will listen to patients making verbal complaints. This issue will try to be resolved as soon as possible.
- Complaints issued in writing will be immediately passed onto the complaints manager Goonjen Bhavsar
- Complaints regarding any aspect of clinical care and treatment will be referred to the treating dentist.
- Once a patient complaint is received the practice will acknowledge the complaint in writing, enclosing a copy of the complaints policy, usually within 3 working days.
- All complaints received will be investigated, and the outcome sent within 10 working days from date of receipt. If the complaint is unable to be investigated within the 10 working day time frame the patient will be notified, giving full disclosure for the delay, giving a more reasonable time frame for the investigation to be completed. This will manage the customers’ expectations and reduce the prospect of a further complaint
- After the practice has completed the investigation we will confirm the decision about the complaint as soon as possible in writing.
- Records which are both correct and comprehensive for all complaint received must be kept. We will monitor complaints on a regular basis and discuss complaints during practice meetings
For those patients unsatisfied with the result from the procedure taken, then a complaint is advised to be made to any of the below:
The Dental Complaints Service37 Wimpole Street London W1D 8DQ |
Care Quality CommissionCQC National Customer Service Centre
Sign: Goonjen Bhavsar
Date: June 2021
Review of policy Date: June 2022